Wednesday, May 25, 2011

泪晚夜 Tears in the dark


我尝试睁开双眼 但却发现
i tried to open my eyes but i realise

it is darkness everywhere

just feel that my tears are coming out from my eyes

(心痛感觉 根本没有断点
feel of painess never ends

我心碎到了极点 你是否还听得见
my heart is broken        can you heard the sound of it? 

我独自躲在角落 泪水掉落了地面
im alone in the corner          tears dripping down the floor

成了破碎的镜片 反映我落寞的脸)
becoming pieces of the broken mirror        reflecting my lonesome face

我爱你 请你不要走
i love you          can you dont leave me?

我放弃不了 却无法告诉你 我不想分手
i cant give up       but i unable to tell you that        i dont wanna break up with you

你的心 其实早已决定
your heart already decided

why you are still hesitated?

劝自己 不再去想你
i told myself           not to think of you again

分手那天起 我早已被忘记 遗留回忆里
from the day that we break       i've already been forgotten        i've been left in memories

爱情似 一场精彩电影
loves like a great movie

when the show is end     it would not continue

repeat :
(心痛感觉 根本没有断点
feel of painess never ends

我心碎到了极点 你是否还听得见
my heart is broken can you heard the sound of it?

我独自躲在角落 泪水掉落了地面
im alone in the corner tears dripping down the floor

成了破碎的镜片 反映我落寞的脸)
becoming pieces of the broken mirror reflecting my lonesome face

为何 在电话里的你
why that you in the phone

telling me those words of regret

对不起三个字 成伤人利剑
sorry this word becoming a wounding sword

我心 心目中的字典
my heart         the dictionary of my heart

" break up "this two word never appear

为何你要把它 翻新写一遍
why do you renew and try to write it in my dictionary?


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